All Lightning, No Bugs . . . .

September 22, 2004

When in doubt, quote Mark Twain:

  • Grief can take care of itself; but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.
  • “Always tell the truth; then you don’t have to remember anything. “
  • “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
  • “Don’t let school interfere with your education.”
  • “Heaven for climate. Hell for company.”
  • “Love your enemy, it will scare the hell out of them.”
  • “We are always too busy for our children; we never give them the time or interest they deserve. We lavish gifts upon them; but the most precious gift, our personal association, which means so much to them, we give grudgingly.”
  • “Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.”
  • “The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that can not read them.”
  • “It is best to keep your mouth shut and be presumed ignorant than to open it and remove all doubt.”
  • “Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.”
  • “It is not best that we should all think alike; it is differences of opinion that make horse races.”
  • “When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself.”
  • “I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time.”
  • “If there are no cigars in Heaven, I shall not go.”
  • “I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position.”
  • “When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear.”“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”
  • “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”
  • “Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform. “
  • “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.”
  • “If God had meant for us to be naked, we’d have been born that way.”
  • “Golf is a good walk spoiled.”
  • “A good lie will have traveled half way around the world while the truth is putting on her boots.”
  • “When in doubt, tell the truth.”

Schema Theory: Dr. Denner, Good Humor, and All the Schema In-Between

September 19, 2004

My most memorable lesson on schema theroy was taught by Dr. Peter Denner in 1980 (or thereabouts!) at Norhteastern University. I was a practicing (emphasis on “practice”) high school teacher at the time (at St. Scholastica Academy), and I had just returned to college to complete coursework and clinical requirments for teacher certification. Dr. Denner was a young professor out of Purdue, with lots of long-hair, energy, and motivational ways (mostly just excellent teaching). I needed some extra motivation, for I felt at the time, as some of my current students do now in regards to their own development, that the best way to perfect the craft of teaching was to take more English, not education, courses. But that’s another story, for another blog. This one has to do with schema theory, one of the great pillars of educational thinking in so many ways….

First, a little side-track on the wonders of this new technological age….

Let me tell the story of my reconnection with Dr. Denner. Here it is: Google.

For the past year or so, I’ve been thinking of culling lessons on key educational and English lessons. I thought: if my students and alumni had access to some kind of searchable, organizable database of important lessons, lesson plans, foundational principles of learning, English, and all related stuff…well, what a wonderful thing that would be…. Schema theory is such one lesson. It’s a paradigm-shifting lesson, out of which whole universes of pedagogical practice can grow. Healthy, correctly-pointing universes. Schema theory opens students to the processes of cognition in a sudden, easy, and robust way. Cognition—reading—understanding—as active, meaning making processes rather than passive, “recipient” processes: so much of high school language arts pedagogy can be built around these notions, particularly as they gain expression and application in reader response theory.

Whenever I had this “culling-into-a-database” thought—and the idea of using “schema theory” as the initiating lesson—my mind always shot back to that ed pysch course, my first teacher education course, taught by Dr. Denner. So, some weeks ago, when I was thinking of writing up my first schema story (in the form of a blog on the dog I met on my Baseball Vacation), I thought, “Hmm…I’ve got to get Denner’s schema story here first!” For Denner’s schema story was one of “those” moments in one’s education: the thing happens in class, and one is changed forever… Not always dramatically or in a life-altering way…. Sometimes it’s just some good learning….

I thought: Denner’s schema story had all the earmarks of “lore.” It was funny, compact, and crystal clear; it illustrated a fundamental epistemological mechanism with a kind of absoluteness. : “Hmmm…this has to be written up somewhere on the Internet.” So I turned to Google and did all kinds of searching—for ice cream, schemata, expectation, anecdotes—anything that could remotely identify and connect with the story. To no avail. Then: “I can’t find the story…maybe I can find the story-teller.” So I did a search on “schema theory” and “denner.” That search led me to a bibliography that referred to “Denner” as “Peter Denner.” That name didn’t quite seem right, though the subject of the article in the bibliography, “Semantic Organizers,” was definitely right up the ally of the Denner I remembered. (I think I thought his first name was “John,”—but I now think I was getting some cognitive interference from “John Denver”—but that’s another story…or is it the same one?). My next Google seach, “peter denner,” brought me immediately (feeling lucky?) to Dr. Denner’s CV and email address. And there it was: “1979-1982 Instructor, College of Education, Northeastern Illinois University.” But he left Chicago in 1982 for a position with the College of Education at Idaho State University, where he still works and teaches, now in a split capacity as professor of education and Assistant Dean of the College of Education.

So I had the email address. I thought: Why not?

Hello, Dr. Denner—I am a former student of yours, and I wonder if I might ask you a favor? First, a long-delayed thank you for your classes, your educational psychology course, in particular. It was 1980 or so, at Northeastern Illinois University. I was an uncertified high school teacher at the time, working at a Catholic school (St. Scholastica Academy). Yours was, I believe, the first course I took in my certification completion program. I did become certified as an English teacher, and eventually went back to graduate school, and now I’m a teacher educator myself, so I suppose I’ve become a type of colleague of yours. I’ve been at Saint Xavier University in Chicago the past eight years, serving as the English Education coordinator. Anyway, you shared a story in one of your classes that has stuck with me lo, these many years. It was just an example of schema theory. It was a narrative full of twists and turns, each one illustrating how much structure and meaning the audience of a story brought to the story-—sometimes to the peril of the intended message.

One thing I emphasize in my methods courses is the power of examples—and I cherish and treasure and store away and re-use the really good ones. Your story illustrated so well the way our expectations run ahead of the data we receive through real-time experience. You’ve got to remember this one. It was so charming and humorous. I don’t remember a lot of it—but I do remember there was a shooting of a gun…follow by the “victim” wiping water from his/her face. There was also an ice-cream sale script being used (or abused)… Does any of this ring a bell? Is this example written up anywhere? Can you help?

If not, don’t give it a thought. I’ve often thought the “idea” of the story is obvious enough, and with a little writing on my part, I could recreate a similar type narrative. But there’s something about the cherished stories of one’s formation—an implicit call to respect and preserve them just so. Anyway, I thought I’d ask. Thanks much!

Your admiring student—Angelo

P.S.: I found you through Google, and I enjoyed being able to read your CV, which thoroughly daunts me (at least insofar as my use of the word “colleague” above). You’ve been busy indeed, and no doubt to continued effect with your students and colleagues out west.

To make a long story short(er), I received a wonderful, inspiring response
from Dr. Denner, the relevant part of which is quote below:

I do recall the story I told, because in the early years I used it here also. These days, I mainly teach statistics, so I have not discussed schema theory for quite a while. The story I told was inspired by and adapted from an example of how schemata function in comprehension presented in one of the early (now classic) articles on schema theory. The reference is: Rummelhart, D.E. & Ortony, A. (1977). The representation of knowledge in memory. In R.C. Anderson, R.J. Spiro & W.E. Montague (Eds), Schooling and the Acquisition of Knowledge. Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum. The essential lines of the story are there, but I modified them and elaborated on them for my own teaching purposes. On page 113, the lines are given as “Mary heard the ice cream man coming.” “She remembered her pocket money.” “She rushed into the house.” Later on page 115, when talking about unexpected outcomes, Rummelhart and Ortony (1977), give the example line of “She drew the revolver and shot him.”My version of the story went something like this: “Sally heard the ice-cream vendor.” Then, I would ask the class, “What did Sally hear?” The class would give answers such as a bell or music. I would stomp my feet and say, “She probably did not hear a sound like this, right?” The point I was making was how we use schemata to fill in default values that go beyond the information given (as Bruner said). Next, I offered the sentence, “Sally turned and ran back into the house.” I would then ask the class if that made any sense. The class would answer yes, because she needed to get her money or her purse. I would ask why? This exposed the implicit buy-sell schemata that was expected. I would also ask the class, “How old is Sally?” The consensus tended to be about ten years old. I next offered a third line and asked the class to interpret it. The third line was, “A short while later, Sally returned carrying her pocketbook.” Again, the class thought this made sense because of the implicit buy-sell schema. I would then ask if Sally wanted to buy ice-cream. I would also ask, “what kind?” This would illustrate that when the text does not specify, we are able to fill in the slots of the schema with high frequency default values (such as vanilla), or with our own preferences and thereby identify with the character by assuming that Sally would be like us. The next sentence I offered, was something like, “The ice cream vendor saw Sally reach into her pocketbook.” Then, I would ask, what was she reaching for? The next sentence was the twist. “She drew the gun and shot him.” At this point, we would talk about the schemata shift from buy-sell to shooting. We would talk about the slots in that schema and what was still missing (motive). I would ask again at this point how old Sally was. Usually, the consensus was much older now. We would speculate a bit about motive and then I would share the last line of the story. The last line of the story was, “And, the ice-cream vendor wiped the water from his face.” The class usually groaned. I then asked, “How old is Sally now?” We would then discuss how mystery writers try to get us to keep thinking inside the boxes of our schemata, while all the time leading us to an unexpected twist (although in retrospect there were clues along the way). Does this help? Feel free to use the story, although do give Rummelhart and Ortony (1977) credit for the examples (and me a little too for my adaptation and elaboration of them).

Word Spy

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Check out Word Spy. Even if you know how to define and use “flash crowd,” “metrosexual,” and “slashdot effect,” you’ll find lots to learn and enjoy at this neat dictionary/word play site that lists and defines all the latest neologisms (and changing old logisms…). I think there might be some cool vocabulary lessons suggested here. For instance, take a look at the newspaper parody, News
of the Word
. Here is how the Scout Report
(ever my source) describes the site:

Description: If you’re the sort of person who decries
the use of abbreviations like B2B as being "so five minutes ago,"
then you might enjoy keeping up with the very latest parlance with Word Spy.
Created by Paul McFedries, this site is intended to focus attention on "recently
coined words, existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance, and older
words that are now being used in new ways." Each weekday, a new word
or phrase is featured along with its definition and a citation, usually from
a print media source, that shows the word or phrase in context. Recent words
include "yettie," a derivative of "yuppie" that denotes
a "young, entrepreneurial, tech-based twenty-something," and "retail
leakage," which refers to urban residents leaving their own neighborhoods
to shop in suburban stores. The site also offers a mailing list for users
who want to receive Word Spy via email, a searchable index of previously featured
terms, and a specialized lexicon (Tech Word Spy) that contains computer-related
and technical terms exclusively.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2004.


The Issues, in the Candidates Own Words, Own Voices

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When I "googled" "No Child Left Behind" today, I serendipitously
"found" this site (it was listed first). Of course, the NPR site is
a frequent stop of mine, but usually for clips of Fresh Air, A Prairie Home
Companion, All Things Considered, Car Talk….

The page presents a chart of the issues listed below (in the order listed),
and presents two to four audio clips on the topic from each presidential candidate’s speeches:

  • Abortion
  • Immigration
  • Iraq
  • The Patriot Act
  • Energy Policy
  • Health Care
  • Homeland Security
  • College Costs
  • Gay Marriage
  • Environment
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Jobs

The stakes are high this election year, as they always are. I’m grateful for
this access to the information.

The Syllabi Are Written, So Now It’s Time to Catch Up on Vacation…

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[Editor’s Note: I started this entry in mid-August,
just before school started. But at some point before I could finish it, responsibility
kicked in, and I actually went back and finished my syllabi… As the subject line states here, the syllabi are done, hooray!, so I begin to tidy up some left-over “vacation tasks”… :) ]

Here on the verge of a new semester, with "syllabi to go before I sleep,"
I find myself looking back, reflecting on my summer past, my vacation, my recovery
from the long haul of the tenure-trauma that wore me down so.

I’m thinking about Falling Water, a side trip on our "Baseball Vacation."
Falling Water fit–the principle of the fittedness of context, environment,
and structure being so key to Frank Lloyd Wright–Falling Water fit between
Cleveland, the game at Jacobs Field (with the highly entertaining between inning
commentary by a very drunk, or increasingly drunk, Paul Assenmacher), and the
game at PNC Park in Pittsburgh. And now, as I’m writing and posting syllabi,
my computer falls to sleep, and starts cycling through all the pictures scattered
across its hard drive. There arises Falling

There are so many things to love about Falling Water. For one…just how many
years has it been since I last used the word, "cantilevered"? Our delightful
guide explained the cantilevered design with such thoroughnesss and "balance."
Our Guide: She was a young, Gen-X-er-aged woman, but really she belonged to
another generation. Her admiration for Wright, for the society that is preserving
the home, for museums and art and possibilities, all bespoke a centering in
some kind of timeless humanitarian possibility. In a word, she struck me as
a true-believer in the gentle, melioristic influences (and compulsions) of art
and ideas; she had no pretension, no judgment of the rest of the world. She
was self-aware and mildly wry, in that wincing way that is very sweet, for there
is only complexity in it, and no meanness. She kinda nodded to our baseball
vacation, with a genuine smile, but a half-apologetic disconnectedness or muted
puzzlement. But I digress…

Falling Water is a beautiful idea–the integration of architecture, nature,
functionality, human needs–but it’s also a lie and a contradiction.

For how can I reconcile the humanitarian principle that scales everything
to human needs and proportions (which is five foot seven, fine enough for me
and Wright, but a little tight for my tallish sons and daughter) with the elitist
of its many extremes? Egads, the thing was built in the worst
days of the Depression (for about $8,000–which leads me to think: I could have
two Falling Waters for about the expense of our recent bathroom remodeling,
but I digress…). And what do you need to situate this house? Land, lots of
it….and trees…and perhaps some public access roads (on the civic dime, of
course). Oh yes, a quarry, so you can "dig your own" shale (or whatever
the stone is). Oh, and one other thing: a waterfall to integrate around and

I mean: Isn’t there some rhetoric shouting out of all of Wright’s architecture?
Doesn’t Wright make a counter-statement to the architectures of the past? Yes,
he was an innovator, but more than that, he was a humanitarian innovator,
in a sense suggesting a kind of universalizing Way to Salvation: Build on these
principles, if you would have principled buildings… And on what principles
are the buildings built? Context, function, human proportion, integration, conservation…
But, spoilsport that I almost am (for I did not voice any objection
as I and my family marveled at the patent splendor), I must reflect at this
time: There is nothing universalizable about Falling Water (except for its shout
of privilege, privacy, and the life of an idea…)

I know I’m being unfair, but I’m talking about a feeling that Falling
Water evokes in me. I could never live there…and how could anyone?

As an idea, Falling Water is not only elegant, but timeless. The water flows
forever–is flowing now, presumably, as you read this. And I can hear it now,
and feel soothed by it, awash in the glow of many pleasant memories… The world
is better for it, and the life of its idea, across generations, and in all kinds
of circumstances, even a baseball vacation. But it’s a tour de force…beautiful…gaudy,
in its cleverness and elegance.